First Bitcoin mutual fund in CanadaFirst Block Capital Inc., a Canadian investment company which is also active in the crypto market, stated that its own Bitcoin funds are now officially recognized as investment funds in Canada. Not only is this a big step for cryptocurrency investors, it’s also another big step for Canada in the Crypto Nation race – and could open more doors for global Bitcoin trading.

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Canada’s Crypto Regulations

More market presence at better conditions

The “FBC Bitcoin Trust” has been the flagship of First Block Capital Inc. for years. The fund was officially registered as an investment fund in Canada and enables investors to save fund shares in self-managed accounts such as registered pension plans or tax-free savings accounts. In this way, investors can easily get into Bitcoin trading and benefit from it without having to worry about buying and managing the cryptocurrency themselves.

The mutual fund is currently only accessible to accredited investors via NEO Connect, a platform for fund sales, under the acronym FBCBT. Trading the Bitcoin fund should be as easy and quick as with regular funds. The 30-day redemption clause has also been deleted for the fund.

If the test phase is successful, the funds from Bitcoin and Co. could soon spread to other countries and be open to all investors, which would make buying cryptocurrencies a great success.

A big step for investing cryptocurrencies

Due to the simplicity and elimination of the “middleman”, the investment funds are a qualified investment within the meaning of the tax law. The FBC Bitcoin Trust is also the first product of its kind in Canada to be approved by both the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission, and has given investors the opportunity to use Bitcoin as a mutual fund in savings deposit and retirement savings accounts.

Sean Clark, managing director and founder of First Block, said at the time of the announcement in a statement that he “wants to increase Bitcoin’s investment risk by removing complicated hurdles for direct cryptocurrency investments.” The company is pleased to announce that its fund is now more accessible to investors and has found a suitable partner for this project in NEO Connect. Since its introduction about a year ago, the Bitcoin fund has already won over 150 shareholders.